2 min readDec 12, 2020

Artificial intelligence is basically innovation & utilization of smart machines and software that are capable of performing tasks that typically need human intelligence.

E.g. : Speech recognition (Hey Google, Siri), Automobiles (Tesla),

Travel Industry (Chat boots like Make my trip)

Covid-19 pandemic has impacted all the sectors and has drastically brought a fall in the graph of businesses in relation to its growth, profits, sales or for that matter in the existence of the business itself.

After all this downfall, the worst that has been at the receiving end is the Travel industry. People getting scared to leave their home. Forget travelling, not even leaving for work.

In such a scenario what will come to a rescue for people in the Travel Industry is the AI (Artificial Intelligence). AI will help find new ways to travel and make people feel safe & comfortable travelling. Certainly AI will look for ways to make people travel without coming in contact with others and reaching their destination safely.

Artificial Intelligence can bring measures to keep a track and see to that less crowd is getting along together for travel, making of queues while boarding and passport checks through online medium and even departure becoming contactless procedure through implications of artificial intelligence is possible.

Checking for covid-19 regulations followed through electronic medium as in deploying AI mechanisms to check the temperature & making use of sanitizing spray through censors technology at airports shall be a great way of starting post covid-19.

Artificial Intelligence is gaining popularity tremendously, changing the way of our living, interacting, and growing customer experience. Future is in the hands of Artificial Intelligence and it’s here to stay with us to make lives simplified yet modernized with innovation.




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